Hill's Adult Small Miniature Small Breed Dog Food with Lamb Meat and Rice 1.5 kg

Stok Kodu
Garanti Süresi
24 Ay
415,83 TL + KDV
499,00 TL
*53,07 TL den başlayan taksitlerle!

Hills dog food is a dry dog food that offers a balanced and healthy nutrition and excellent taste, specially formulated for adult small and mini breed dogs aged 1 - 6 years with a body weight of up to 10 kg. * The nutrients in Hills dog food are balanced for a long and healthy life. * The high quality protein and calcium it contains support bone and muscle development and help gain lean muscle structure. * Omega fatty acids from the flaxseed it contains help the formation of healthy skin and shiny coat. * The special content of Hills dog food is easily digestible and helps maintain digestive system health. * It contains high levels of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. * Specially formulated to support digestive system, oral health, skin and coat health. * It helps to gain a strong immunity. * The calcium it contains helps maintain dental health and gain strong tooth structure. * Hills dog food does not contain artificial preservatives, coloring or sweetening substances. Content of Dog Food; Lamb 9%, rice 22%, corn, brown rice, broken rice, wheat, corn gluten meal, lamb meal, barley, oats, animal fat, hydrolyzed protein, soybean meal, vegetable oil, flaxseed, dried tomato pulp, dried citrus pulp, spinach powder. Analysis of Food; Crude protein 22.30%, crude fat 14.20%, crude fiber 1.7%, omega 6 3.40%, crude ash 5.30%, calcium 0.78%, phosphorus 0.69%, sodium 0% .30, potassium 0.75%, magnesium 0.10%, vitamin A 11.290 IU/kg, vitamin D3 773 IU/kg, vitamin E 690 mg/kg, vitamin C 105 mg/kg, beta carotene 1.5 mg/kg kg, iron 83.7 mg, iodine 1.30 mg/kg, copper 8.30 mg, manganese 8.70 mg, zinc 173 mg/kg, selenium 0.2. Little Paw

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Hill's Adult Small Miniature Small Breed Dog Food with Lamb Meat and Rice 1.5 kg 052742059471
Hill's Adult Small Miniature Small Breed Dog Food with Lamb Meat and Rice 1.5 kg

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